While your site's visitors can manually add themselves to your Mailing List, you can manually add subscribers to the list.
To manually add Subscribers to your Mailing List:
Click Subscribers under Mailing List in the administration menu. The following page will display the list of subscribers.
Click Add Subscribers at the top of the page.
In the large text box, enter any number of e-mail addresses and be sure
to place commas between e-mail addresses (such as: [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], etc...). If you would like, you
can use something other than a comma (",") to separate e-mail
addresses.To use a different character to separate the addresses:
Click the radio button next to ";" to use a semicolon to separate e-mail addresses. To use another character, click the radio button next to Other and enter the character you want in the text box.
Next, choose which Subscriber Group these emails will belong to. For more information on Subscriber Groups, click here.
If you would like to resubscribe any unsubscribed email addresses specified above, check the box next to Resubscribe any unsubscribed email addresses specified above.
Click the Save at the bottom of the page to add the subscribers.
Be sure to let the following page load completely. The confirmation page will have a link back to the list of Subscribers.