File Management |
Your site's File Directory contains the files you will want to display on your site. This is where you will put images, PDF files, Word documents, and other files you'll want to link to on your site. For example, this is where you would upload additional images that you want to display within content or where you would upload PDF files to be accessible from content.
Start managing your site's files
To manage your site's files, click Files (Uploads) in the administration menu.
File Directory
- On this page, you will see the root directory of your site and all the files in it. You will also see links to other folders in the repository. The only other folder that will appear by default is the Theme folder.
- Note: The Theme folder contains files that are essential to your site's layout and theme. Please do not modify the Theme folder or its contents without help from a customer support representative.
- From this page, you can upload new files, delete existing files, create new directories, and move files to other directories.
- The size of each file is displayed in the far right column of the list of files. The total size of the files in the repository is listed at the bottom of the page. Please be aware that this total size is not the total size of your website. Modules, such as Photo Albums, that include images will greatly contribute to the overall size of your site.
- Note: When uploading a new file, there is a limit of 10MB per file. If you need to upload a file larger than 10MB, please contact customer support. Also, there is a 100MB limit on the entire size of your website. Most WebPress modules will have very little effect on the overall size of your size, but uploading a number of large files will quickly increase the size of your site.
- Note: YourWebPress.com does not allow FTP access to your site's files. If you require FTP access to the files in your repository or to upload files to the repository, please contact us for more information.