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Photo Galleries

 · Add a new Photo Gallery  · Modify a Photo Gallery
 · Delete a Photo Gallery  · Adding an Image
 · Modify an Image  · Move an Image to a different Gallery
 · Delete a Photo  


The Photo Galleries module is an easy way to display a number of photos on a single page.  Each photo can have a caption of text that will appear with it on the page.  Photo Galleries can contain as many photos as you like.  They can have a multi-page format where only a certain number of photos appear on each page. 

Photo Galleries can be in one of three formats:

Full size images - regular format, the images are not clickable

Thumbnails - Images appear as thumbnail images, and the full size images will appear in a popup window

Choose a layout for the Photo Album:

Images appear their actual size.Full size images are displayed and are not clickable.

Images appear as thumbnails. Thumbnails are displayed and when clicked, the full size image will display in a popup window.

Display thumbnails next to a full-size image placeholder - the thumbnails are clickable and show the full-size image next to the thumbnails.

 You have the option to make thumbnails appear above, below, to the left, or to the right of a full-size image. Click the box next to update full-size image when mouse pointer is rolled over a thumbnail to update the full-size image when your mouse rolls over a thumbnail. This feature works best if images are the same height and width.

 Photo Galleries can also be in a multi-page format where only a certain number of images appear on the page at a time Photo Galleries must be attached to an Article to be visible. They can be attached to the article's content or the article's summary.

To add a Photo Album to a page on your site, you will want to add a new photo album then add images to the photo album.

Note that editing a photo album and editing an image in the photo album are different steps. Think of the Photo Galleries as the book and the pictures in it as the pages