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Delete an Article

Deleting an article is permanent. Once you delete an article from your site there is no way to recover it. If there is a possible chance you might need this article in the future, consider placing it in Draft Mode or Hiding it from the website.

Deleting an Article


  • To delete an article from your site, check the box in the Delete column next to the article you wish to delete. You may mark more than one article at a time to be deleted. You may also select the Check all or Uncheck all option which are located directly above the Delete button. Check all will select ALL articles for deletion and Uncheck all removes any selected articles for deletion.
  • Once you have checked all the articles you wish to delete, click the Delete at the bottom of the list of your site's articles.

Deleted Article confirmation prompt


  • On the next page, a warning will appear reminding you that the articles will be permanently deleted. On this page you may uncheck any of the articles you have selected. Subarticles will not be deleted if the parent is deleted. If you delete an article that has subarticles, the subarticles will become orphaned. Orphaned articles will no longer appear on your site's sidemenu. They will appear at the bottom of your articles list in red.
  • If you are sure you want to delete the articles that are checkmarked, click the Delete button at the bottom of the list of your selected articles.
  • If you might use this article again on your site, but you do not want it to appear in navigation, you might consider hiding the article instead of deleting it.

Deletion Confirmed

  • Once the articles are deleted a confirmation page will appear, and you will see a link back to the Articles List.