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Traffic By Referrer


A referring page is a specific page that someone is visiting when they click a link that leads to your website.

Click By Referrer under Traffic Reports in the administration menu.

The following page has a number of charts that may be a bit confusing at first.  The first chart is the top 10 list of referring pages.

Most of your site's visitors will probably get to your site by manually typing your site's address, clicking a bookmark or an item in a "favorites" list, or a link they receive in an e-mail.  For each of these cases, there is no referring page, so this falls into the "None" category.  Search engines and other robots also may not give a referring URL when crawling your site. 

A referring host is the website someone is on when they click a link to your site.  While www.google.com may not be listed in the list of referring pages, in the photo above, it's at the top of the list of referrring hosts.  That is because no one specific page at google.com is linking to your site, but many people may be finding this site as a result of a search.  Also, note that many more hits to your site are going to come from users clicking a bookmark or manually typing your address. 

This list is a static list of popular search engines that we can track.  When someone clicks a link from a search on one of these specific sites, a hit is added to this list.  Unlike lists for browsers and operating systems, these hits are human visitors clicking a link in search results.

This list shows some of the keywords that people are searching for when they find your site on one of the above search engines.  This list may not be a complete list and should not be relied on, but it should be a good example of what people are searching form.