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 · Add a new Contact
 · Modify a Contact
 · Delete a Contact


The Contacts module is a quick and easy way to display your organization's contact information on the page.  You may use the contacts module to display a phone number or e-mail address for each person or department in your company.

To manage your site's contacts

  • Click Contacts in the administration menu. The following page will show a list of your contacts.
  • You can change the order of the way these items appear on your site by clicking the up or down sort arrow.

Viewing contacts.php

Viewing Contacts

  • Clicking one of the names in the list will open a new e-mail message to that person (if an e-mail address is given) in your computer's default e-mail client.

  • To create a link to your site's Contacts page, create a new Article or Topmenu Link using the Action type.

  • Note:  Even though each contact has a Name, this can be something other than a person, such as the company name or a department name.