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Add an Event Category


Every event on your Calendar must have an Event Category.  Your Event Categories will appear at the top of the Calendar in the Event Legend with a colored icon next to it.  Each Event on the Calendar will also have a colord icon next to it to identify what Type of Event it is.

  • For example, you could have an event type called "Meetings" with a red icon.  All the "Meeting" events on your Calendar will have this red icon.  You could also have another event time called "Birthdays" marked with a yellow icon.  The "Birthday" events on the Calendar would have a yellow icon.

Create Event Category

  • Click Calendar in the administration menu.
  • Click Event Categories. Then click Add a New Event Category.


  • Enter a Name for your Event Category.  The Name will appear at the top of the Calendar in the Event Legend.
  • Choose a color for the event type that will be the color of the icon on the Calendar.  You may either choose a color from the menu or enter a custom color in six-digit hexadecimal format.
  • Optionally, you may set a Group Access for the Event Type
  • You may also set a Group Ownership for the Event Type - Group Ownerships determine the group that can manage events in this category - if any.
  • If you choose to add security to the event type, choose from the list who can view the event.  Members of that Group and higher level groups will be the only people able to see Events of this type.
  • Also, optionally, you may enter a Description for the Event Type using the graphical editor.
  • Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Event Category Info

  • In the Event Legend on your site's Calendar, the Event Types each be a link to a page that displays this description.  That's all that will appear on this page.  In your Description, you can format the text however you like, insert links, and images.
  • Note:
    You may filter out only the events under the event category you would like to see. For example, if you would only like the see "Meetings" displayed, you may do so. View your calendar when you're done adding an event. Next, click filter in the Event Legend next to which event category you would like to only be shown. Now, only your selected event category will be displayed.