As we prepare your WebPress website, we will create a demonstration site that will eventually become your live website. Your demonstration site will be at an address on
Note: If you are trying the free demo as advertised at, your site's address, administration address, username, and password will be sent to you via e-mail, as well as displayed on the confirmation page when you sign up for the demo
Once your site is live and your domain is active, your site's address will simply be your domain name: This address will be e-mailed to you soon after its creation. You will also be setup with a username and password for WebPress Administration. Let us know what you would like your username and password to be, along with your first name, last name, and e-mail address. Your e-mail address will only be used to send you notices about updated to WebPress. To log in to WebPress, add "/admin" to your site's address:
Once your site is live and your domain is active, your site's address will simply be your domain name followed by "/admin":
The beauty of WebPress is that it does not require you to install any software on your computer. It also does not require you to install any Internet Explorer plug-ins or worry about your computer's security. You can use WebPress Administration from any computer, on any operating system, from any modern web browser. To fully use the WebPress graphical editor, you will need one of the following:
Internet Explorer 5.5+ on Windows with JavaScript enabled.
Netscape 7.1+ on any operating system with JavaScript enabled.
Mozilla 1.3+ on any operating system with JavaScript enabled.
Mozilla Firefox on any operating system with JavaScript enabled.
You will also need cookies enabled on your browser. We use cookies to help identify you as you are using WebPress. We do not store your login information or any other information on your computer except what is used to identify you during your WebPress session.
Once logged in, you will see the administration menu. You can use this administration menu to find all the functions you will need to manage, build, and update your website. You can edit all the pages on your site, upload files, insert pictures, manage your site's calendar, e-mail your newsletter subscribers, and much more from WebPress Administration.
If you need help using any of WebPress's features, feel free to contact customer support with your questions. We'll be glad to help.