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WebPress Page Layout


All pages on your WebPress site have certain specific elements.  Unlike template based sites, we will work with you to design your site's layout to your specifications.  We'll help you choose a color scheme, design the layout's graphics, and help create navigational links that are built in to your site's theme.  Here, we'll describe some of the pages' parts as they are numbered in the screenshot below.

  1. This is the page header.  This area of the page supports JPEG, GIF, and Shockwave Flash files.  We will design this portion of your site for you as part of your site's setup fee.  Once completed, this area is usually a left image, right image, and background image.  This can also be one large image or a Shockwave Flash animation.

  2. This area can have an image that floats to the left of the sidemenu and navmenu.  Sometimes we create your site's header to flow seamlessly into your site's sidemenu for a more rounded effect.

  3. This area is called the "topmenu".  You have complete control over this area to create links that:

    1. Link to built-in pages made from WebPress modules, such as the calendar or online store

    2. Link to any URL you enter - any other page on the web

    3. Link to any article - any page on the site that you have created

  4. This is the site's "navmenu".  This lets you know what page you are currently viewing.  In the example below, if you were on the "Products" page, the navmenu would read:

    Home > Our Services > Products

    This area always contains a link to your home page, and it also contains a link to today's date on the calendar.

  5. This is your site's "sidemenu".  This list all the articles and subarticles on your site.  Articles are the main pages of the website.  An article can also be a link to a WebPress module or another page.

  6. These links are to "subarticles".  Subarticles in the sidemenu appear as bullets indented a bit.

  7. The "site footer" appears at the bottom of any page.  You have complete control over what is in the site footer.  Notice underneath the site footer where you will see a link to the home page on all other pages, a link for "Printer-friendly format", a "^Top" link that will scroll you up to the top of the page, and a "Logout" link if you are logged in as a specific user.

  8. This is the main content of the page.  The page's title appears at the top, centered and bold, in a color what we can control.  The pages of the site can be freeform articles that you create or pre-built pages from WebPress modules.

There are other layout options to consider. 

  • The entire page can be constrained to a certain width.  We create most of our sites so they take up the full screen at 1024x768 monitor resolution and at 800x600, and try to do so without any horizontal scrolling.  If you prefer, we can constrain the whole page to a certain with so it looks the same at any resolution.

  • The sidemenu is usually plain text by default.  This can be changed to look more "buttonized" or to appear as "boxes"

  • The topmenu is usually plain text by default.  This can be changed to appear at tabs with colored rollover effects.  The tabs can be centered at the top of the screen or be aligned to the right side of the screen.