Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a synonym for Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). URLs are typically entered into the address or location bar of a web browser. The URL will contain your domain name.
Internal WebPress Pages' URLs
To access your site, you will use the following URL structure.
The blue section of the URL contains the domain name. The green section of the URL is the path to the Internal WebPress Pages'. The Internal WebPress Pages are listed below.
home.php Example: http://www.example.com/home.php will link to the site's Home Page.
calendar.php Example: http://www.example.com/calendar.php will link to the site's Calendar.
links.php Example: http://www.example.com/links.php will link to the site's Useful Links page.
contacts.php Example: http://www.example.com/contacts.php will link to the site's Contacts page.
ecommerce.php Example: http://www.example.com/ecommerce.php will link to the site's Online Store if this feature is active on your site.
signup.php Example: http://www.example.com/signup.php will link to the site's E-mail Signup page.
accounts.php Example: http://www.example.com/accounts.php will link to the site's User Login/Registration page. Addtionally, you can add ?mode=logout to log out of your site, ?mode=login to log into your site and ?mode=signup to take you to the account registration form.
sitemap.php Example: http://www.example.com/sitemap.php will link to the site's complete list of articles.
WebPress Articles' URLs
To access your site, you will use the following URL structure.
The blue section of the URL contains the domain name. The green section of the URL is the article path. The number behind view/ represents the article number.
Webpress Comment URLs
To access your site, you will use the following URL structure.
The blue section of the URL contains the domain name. The green section of the URL is the article path. The number behind view/ represents the article number. You then have the anchor that takes you right to the comments section of the page.