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Add a new User


Visitors to you site can add their own user accounts by clicking a "Register Now!" link above the login form.  (This function can be disabled.)  You can also add new users through online administration.  To Add a new User:

  • Click Users under User Accounts in the administration menu.

The following page will display the list of Users.

  • Click Add a new User at the top of the page.

On the following page, enter the information for the User.

  • Username - This must contain only letters an numbers.  This cannot be changed later.
  • Password - This must be at least 5 characters can contain any characters.  This cannot be retrieved later.  It can only be changed.
  • User can reset forgotten Password - If this is left checked, users will be able to click a Forgot your password? link to reset their password.
  • Group Membership - Check the box next to the name of each group of which this user will be a member.
    • (98) sub-Administrators will have access to online administration that can be limited
    • (99) Administrators will have full access to online administration
  • First Name - This is required.
  • Last Name - This is required.
  • Email - This is required.  This is the e-mail address used to send a new password if the old password is forgotten.
  • Receive email bulletins - If unchecked, this user will not receive e-mails send through the Mailing List.
  • Phone - This is only ever displayed in User Lists, if applicable.
  • Address - This is used as the shipping address for e-commerce customers.  This is also used in User Lists.
  • Homepage - This is only ever displayed in User Lists, if applicable.
  • Occupation - This is only ever displayed in User Lists, if applicable.

  • Biography - This is only ever displayed in User Lists, if applicable.
  • Upload Image - This is only ever displayed in User Lists, if applicable.
  • Status - Users can be disabled.  The user account will not be able to be used in any way, but the information will still be stored in the list of Users.
  • User can Edit Self - After a user logs in on your website, they will be shown a Settings link.  This will remove the Settings link.
  • Hide the User - If checked, this user will not appear in User Lists.
  • Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The following confirmation page will contain a link back to the list of Users.