Visitors to you site can add their own user accounts by clicking a "Register Now!" link above the login form. (This function can be disabled.) You can also add new users through online administration. To Add a new User:
Click Users under User Accounts in the administration menu.
The following page will display the list of Users.
Click Add a new User at the top of the page.
On the following page, enter the information for the User.
Username - This must contain only letters an numbers. This cannot be changed later.
Password - This must be at least 5 characters can contain any characters. This cannot be retrieved later. It can only be changed.
User can reset forgotten Password - If this is left checked, users will be able to click a Forgot your password? link to reset their password.
Group Membership - Check the box next to the name of each group of which this user will be a member.
(98) sub-Administrators will have access to online administration that can be limited
(99) Administrators will have full access to online administration
First Name - This is required.
Last Name - This is required.
Email - This is required. This is the e-mail address used to send a new password if the old password is forgotten.
Receive email bulletins - If unchecked, this user will not receive e-mails send through the Mailing List.
Phone - This is only ever displayed in User Lists, if applicable.
Address - This is used as the shipping address for e-commerce customers. This is also used in User Lists.
Homepage - This is only ever displayed in User Lists, if applicable.
Occupation - This is only ever displayed in User Lists, if applicable.
Biography - This is only ever displayed in User Lists, if applicable.
Upload Image - This is only ever displayed in User Lists, if applicable.
Status - Users can be disabled. The user account will not be able to be used in any way, but the information will still be stored in the list of Users.
User can Edit Self - After a user logs in on your website, they will be shown a Settings link. This will remove the Settings link.
Hide the User - If checked, this user will not appear in User Lists.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
The following confirmation page will contain a link back to the list of Users.