The graphical editor allows you to format text the way you want it to appear on your site. You can change font sizes, faces, and colors. There are two ways to perform each of the following functions. You may first make the formatting change, and then begin typing in the new format, or you may highlight some existing text and then choose a format for the highlighted text.
Font Face
Andale Mono The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Arial The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Arial Narrow The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Book Antiqua The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Comic Sans MS The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Courier New The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Georgia The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Impact The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Tahoma The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Times New Roman The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Trebuchet MS The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Verdana The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
To change the font, click the --Font-- drop-down box and choose a font from the list.
For most sites, the default font will be Arial.
For the font to display properly, your site's visitor must have the font installed on their computer. That is why only a few fonts appear in this list.
If you would like us to change your site's default font, please contact customer support.
Font Size
1 (8pt) text
2 (10pt) text
3 (12pt) text
4 (14pt) text
5 (18pt) text
6 (24pt) text
7 (36pt) text
To change font size, click the --Size-- drop-down box and choose a size from the list.
For most sites, the default font size will be 10pt.
Emphasizing Text
Bold To change to Bold type, click the B button in the toolbar. In Internet Explorer, Ctrl+B will work as well.
Italic To change to Italic type, click the I button in the toolbar. In Internet Explorer, Ctrl+I will work as well.
Underline To change to Underlined type, click the U button in the toolbar. In Internet Explorer, Ctrl+U will work as well.
You may use a combination of these to emphasize your text. Be careful not to overdo it! This might draw attention away from the text's meaning and might actually make it harder to read.
Font Colors
To change the text color, click the button (pictured to the left) in the toolbar. The Colors window will appear.
In this dialog box you may click a color from the palette, click a color from the list of site colors, or enter the Hex code or RGB numbers for your desired color.
The Hex codes and RGB numbers are for people familiar with web design or graphics programs like Photoshop. If you need help matching a color, please contact customer support.
A preview of the selected color will appear in the Preview box.
After clicking OK, you will return to the Graphical Editor, where new text you type will be in your chosen color.
To apply your chosen color to other text, you may highlight some text and click the icon in the toolbar. The will be the color you last chose with the icon.
Clear Formatting
To clear the formatting of selected text or where the cursor is located, click the eraser icon in the toolbar. You can do this first whenever you want to reformat some text.