Upload a File


You can upload images, PDF files, Word documents, and other files you'll want to link to on your site.  For example, this is where you would upload additional images that you want to display within content or where you would upload PDF files to be accessible from content.

Start uploading files

To start uploading files, click Files (Uploads) in the administration menu.

Locate and upload files

  • Click Browse... in the Upload a File box at the top of the page.  Browse your computer for the file you wish to upload.  Once you have chosen a file, the path to the file on your computer will appear in the File: box on the page.
  • Choose a Directory (Location) where the file will be placed from the drop-down box. We will learn how to create a new directory in a later tutorial.
  • Click the Upload button.
  • Note: Depending on the size of file and the speed of your connection to the Internet, you may not see anything happen for a few moments.  Your entire file will be uploaded before you see a confirmation screen.  Please only press the Upload button once.
  • Once your file has been uploaded, you will see a confirmation screen and a link back to the list of files.  When you return to the files list, the file you uploaded should appear in the list.  If your file was too large or an error occured, you will see an error message on the confirmation page.


Uploading a Zip file

Uploading a Zip file is the same as uploading a file. Browse your computer for the Zip file you wish to upload.  Once you have chosen a Zip file, the path to the file on your computer will appear in the File: box on the page. Since Zip files are usually bigger, it may take a moment to upload depending on your connection. If you want to upload the contents of the Zip file, be sure to check the Unzip file after upload (if applicable) button. If not, leave it unchecked to upload the Zip file and not its contents.